Welcome to the Department of Plant Biology


The Department of Plant Biology at the University of Szeged is one of the leading university departments in Hungary dealing with teaching and research in plant biology.


Our research activity is focused mainly on stress physiology including molecular responses of plants to environmental stressors, especially in the field of drought stress and phytoremediation of polluted environment.

We have well-equipped laboratories for photosynthesis and electrophysiology for investigating membrane-transport processes. The Botanical Garden is a cooperating partner of the department.


The department consists of 14 academic staff and 13 PhD students, and 7 affiliated academic staff members from different research institutes, technicians and MSc students.





Növények extra tápanyag ellátását szolgáló rendszer kutatás fejlesztése


MTA LENDÜLET Plant NaNObiology Research Group

New National Excellence Programme

Contact us

University of Szeged
Közép fasor 52.
6726 Szeged
Phone/Fax: +36 62 544 307