Positions for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows

We are continuously looking for PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers with interest/expertise in colloid chemistry, in particular with enzyme mimicking nanomaterials or plastic particle pollutants. Interested candidates should send their CV to the group leader.
Check out the recent Research Associate opening.

Research topics for projects of BSc and MSc students

1. Development of biocatalytic nanozyme systems: preparation and formulation of enzyme mimicking nanoparticles.
2. Emerging environmental pollutants: migration, transport and remediation of nanoplastics and perfluorinated substances.
3. Basic properties of colloidal particles: surface charges and aggregation rates in the presence of electrolytes and polymers.

Research for high school students

We are participating in mentoring high school students with enthusiasm for Chemistry within the
framework of Hungarian Research Student Association.
Find out more after registration following this link.

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