Bismutite-based cooperative catalysts – Efficient heterogeneous systems for heterocyclizations
Éva Böszörményi, PhD
2018-2023: Research Fellow
Title of the thesis:
Complex equilibria in strongly alkaline aqueous solutions containing Ca(II), Nd(III) and gluconate
Hung Truong Ngoc, PhD
2015-2022: Research Fellow
Title of the thesis:
Synthesis, properties and selected applications of some sulfur containing organic compounds
Szilveszter Ziegenheim, PhD
2016-2021: Research Fellow
Title of the thesis:
The kinetics of gypsum precipitation, the inhibiting effect of citric acid and its use in the differential precipitation of Mg(OH)2 from CaSO4·2H2O
Ákos Buckó, PhD
2016-2021: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Complex equilibria in strongly alkaline aqueous solutions containing Ca(II), Al(III) and heptagluconate ions
Nándor Balázs, PhD
Defended in 2020
Title of the thesis:
Flame-assisted synthesis of nanoparticulate titanium dioxide photocatalysts and their characterization
Adél Ádám Anna PhD
2017-2020: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Nikkeltartalmú nanokatalizátorok előállítása, szerkezetük jellemzése és katalitikus felhasználása
Katalin Musza, PhD
2017-2020: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Mechanokémiai úton előállított egyfémes (Cu, Ni), kétfémes (Cu/Sn, Ni/Sn) és háromfémes (Cu/Ni/Sn) nanorészecskék szerkezetét befolyásoló tényezők és néhány katalitikus alkalmazásuk
Zita Timár, PhD
2017-2020: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Fotokatalizátor és nanoreaktor-réteges kettős hidroxidok kétféle hasznosítása
Szabolcs Muráth, PhD
2016-2019: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Réteges kettős hidroxidok előállítása, módosítása és delaminációja szerves molekulák jelenlétében
Bence Kutus, PhD
2015-2018: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Complex formation and lactonization reactions in aqueous solutions containing Ca2+ or Nd3+ ions and sugar-type ligands
Csilla Dudás, PhD
2015-2018: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Complex formation between calcium and hydroxy/oxocarboxylates in neutral and highly alkaline aqueous solutions
Márton Szabados, PhD
2014-2017: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Réteges kettős hidroxidok előállítása ultrahang besugárzással segített mechanokémiai módszerrel
Gábor Varga, PhD
2014-2017: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Átmenetifém-aminosav komplex-CaAl-réteges kettős hidroxid kompozitok készítése, szerkezetvizsgálatuk és katalitikus alkalmazásaik
Zita Csendes, PhD
2011-2014: PhD Student
2014-2016: Research Fellow
Title of the thesis:
Redox-active bioinspired catalysts-syntheses, characterisation and an application
Attila Gácsi, PhD
2012-2015: PhD Student
2015-2016: Assistant Research Fellow
Title of the thesis:
Structure and equilibria of some Ca(II)-complexes forming in hyperalkaline aqueous solutions
Zsolt Ferencz, PhD
2012-2015: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Mechanochemical Preparation and Structural Characterization of Layered Double Hydroxides and their Amino Acid-Intercalated Derivatives.
Mónika Ádok, PhD
1987 - 2020
Title of the thesis:
Functional Materials - Syntheses, Characterisation and Catalytic Applications
Éva Gabriella Bajnóczi, PhD
2011-2014: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Chemistry of Some Amphoteric Cations (Sn2+; Pb2+; Cr3+) in Hyper-Alkaline Aqueous Solutions
Valéria Bugris, PhD
2010-2014: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Dehydration-rehydration induced structural changes in pristine and composite layered double hydroxides
Krisztián József Csankó, PhD
2011-2014: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Stereoselective synthesis and self-assembling capabilities of heterocyclic cinnamic acids
Attila Pallagi, PhD
2009-2012: PhD Student
2012-2013: Research Fellow
Title of the thesis:
Interaction of calcium with sugar type ligands in solutions related to the Bayer process
Dávid Ferenc Srankó, PhD
2009-2012: PhD Student
Title of the thesis:
Preparation and Structural Characterization of Alkaline Earth−Iron(III) Layered Double Hydroxides and their Acrylate-Intercalated Derivatives