Current members: 20 Publications: 91 Nature Chemistry papers: 3 PhD dissertations: 8 MSc theses: 8 BSc theses: 22 MSc project work: 6 Undergraduate research reports: 16 |
We employ modern electronic structure methods to determine the best technically feasible stationary-point properties, such as structures, relative energies, harmonic vibrational frequencies, for reactive chemical systems. The computed results provide benchmark thermochemical data and guide future experimental and theoretical investigations. Furthermore, the characterization of the stationary points is the first step toward developing potential energy surfaces for reaction dynamics studies.
Potential energy surfaces (PESs) govern the motions of the atoms in a chemical reaction. We develop analytical global PESs for reactive chemical systems by fitting high-level ab initio energy points. Our PESs allow efficient dynamical investigations usually with unprecedented detail and accuracy. We have accurate full-dimensional PESs for the X + CH4 [X = F, O, Cl, Br] and F− + CH3Y [Y = F, Cl, I] reactions and we are currently working on PES developments for several interesting chemical systems up to 10 atoms.
With analytical PESs at hand we can study the reaction dynamics using the quasi-classical trajectory and/or, in collaboration with leading Chinese and American groups, quantum mechanical methods. The reaction dynamics computations follow the motions of the atoms step by step, thereby revealing novel reaction pathways and different outcomes of a chemical reaction. Furthermore, our simulations can help and motivate experimental investigations and resulted in active collaborations with top experimental research groups in Austria and Taiwan.
We have studied the dynamics of the reactions of methane with the F, O, Cl, and Br atoms leading to many groundbreaking discoveries such as the modifications of the rules of Nobel-laureate John Polanyi for polyatomic systems, vibrational and rotational mode specificity, angle-dependent barrier, novel reaction pathways, etc. Some of these findings were reported in the best scientific journals of the world such as Science, Nature Chemistry, PNAS, and JACS.
Bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reactions play a central role in chemistry and biochemistry and their Walden-inversion mechanism has been known for more than a hundred years. Recently we initiated a novel way to study the dynamics of these SN2 reactions based on analytical PESs. Our simulations revealed (a) a new mechanisms, called double inversion, for SN2 reactions, (b) unexpected leaving group effects, (c) non-traditional dynamics involving front-side complex formation, (d) unprecedented agreement with experiment, etc. These results were published in high-impact journals, Nature Communications, Nature Chemistry, and Chemical Science, and were featured in the national and international media and on the front cover of the Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
We are currently working on novel techniques to represent PESs of small biosystems such as amino acids, thereby allowing the study of their conformational dynamics and reactions with atoms and radicals. Our simulations are expected to be more accurate and reliable than previous work that used classical force fields to represent PESs.
I. Szabó and G. Czakó
Rotational mode specificity in the F− + CH3Y [Y = F and Cl] SN2 reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 119, 12231 (2015) PDF
M. Stei, E. Carrascosa, M. A. Kainz, A. H. Kelkar, J. Meyer, I. Szabó, G. Czakó, and R. Wester
Influence of the leaving group on the dynamics of a gas-phase SN2 reaction
Nat. Chem. 8, 151 (2016) PDF Highly Cited Paper (as of July/August 2016)
Y. Wang, H. Song, I. Szabó, G. Czakó, H. Guo, and M. Yang
Mode-specific SN2 reaction dynamics
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 3322 (2016) PDF
I. Szabó and G. Czakó
Mode-specific multi-channel dynamics of the F− + CHD2Cl reaction on a global ab initio potential energy surface
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 134303 (2016) PDF
B. Olasz, I. Szabó, and G. Czakó
High-level ab initio potential energy surface and dynamics of the F− + CH3I SN2 and proton-transfer reactions
Chem. Sci. 8, 3164 (2017) PDF
V. Tajti and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the complex potential energy surface of the F− + CH3CH2Cl reaction
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 2847 (2017) PDF
I. Szabó, B. Olasz, and G. Czakó
Deciphering front-side complex formation in SN2 reactions via dynamics mapping
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 2917 (2017) PDF
I. Szabó and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the complex potential energy surface of the Cl− + CH3I reaction
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 5748 (2017) PDF
H. Pan, F. Wang, G. Czakó, and K. Liu
Direct mapping of the angle-dependent barrier to reaction for Cl + CHD3 using polarized scattering data
Nat. Chem. 9, 1175 (2017) PDF
I. Szabó and G. Czakó
Dynamics and novel mechanisms of SN2 reactions on ab initio analytical potential energy surfaces
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 9005 (2017) Feature Article Cover PDF
L. Krotos and G. Czakó
Does the Cl + CH4 __> H + CH3Cl reaction proceed via Walden inversion?
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 9415 (2017) PDF
B. Hajdu and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the complex potential energy surfaces of the X− + NH2Y [X,Y = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 1886 (2018) PDF
T. Győri, B. Olasz, G. Paragi, and G. Czakó
Effects of the level of electronic structure theory on the dynamics of the F− + CH3I reaction
J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 3353 (2018) PDF
S. Góger, P. Szabó, G. Czakó, and G. Lendvay
Flame inhibition chemistry: rate coefficients of the reactions of HBr with CH3 and OH radicals at high temperatures determined by quasiclassical trajectory calculations
Energy Fuels 32, 10100 (2018) PDF
M. Stei, E. Carrascosa, A. Dörfler, J. Meyer, B. Olasz, G. Czakó, A. Li, H. Guo, and R. Wester
Stretching vibration is spectator in nucleophilic substitution
Sci. Adv. 4, eaas9544 (2018) PDF
D. A. Tasi, Z. Fábián, and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the inversion and retention pathways of the OH− + CH3Y [Y = F, Cl, Br, I] SN2 reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 5773 (2018) PDF
B. Olasz and G. Czakó
Mode-specific quasiclassical dynamics of the F− + CH3I SN2 and proton-transfer reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 122, 8143 (2018) PDF
D. Papp, B. Gruber, and G. Czakó
Detailed benchmark ab initio mapping of the potential energy surfaces of the X + C2H6 [X = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 396 (2019) PDF
B. Bastian, E. Carrascosa, A. Kaiser, J. Meyer, T. Michaelsen, G. Czakó, W. L. Hase, and R. Wester
Dynamics of proton transfer from ArH+ to CO
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 438, 175 (2019) PDF
B. Olasz and G. Czakó
High-level-optimized stationary points for the F−(H2O) + CH3I system: Proposing a new water-induced double-inversion pathway
J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 454 (2019) PDF
B. Olasz and G. Czakó
Uncovering the role of the stationary points in the dynamics of the F− + CH3I reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 1578 (2019) PDF
D. A. Tasi, Z. Fábián, and G. Czakó
Rethinking the X− + CH3Y [X = OH, SH, CN, NH2, PH2; Y = F, Cl, Br, I] SN2 reactions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 7924 (2019) PDF
G. Czakó
Dynamics and mechanisms of fundamental chemical reactions
Magy. Kém. Foly. 125, 100 (2019) (in Hungarian) PDF
G. Czakó, T. Győri, B. Olasz, D. Papp, I. Szabó, V. Tajti, and D. A. Tasi
Benchmark ab initio and dynamical characterization of the stationary points of reactive atom + alkane and SN2 potential energy surfaces
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 4298 (2020) Perspective Cover PDF
T. Győri and G. Czakó
Automating the development of high-dimensional reactive potential energy surfaces with the ROBOSURFER program system
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16, 51 (2020) PDF Highly Cited Paper (as of May/June 2020)
G. Avila, D. Papp, G. Czakó, and E. Mátyus
Exact quantum dynamics background of dispersion interactions: case study for CH4.Ar in full (12) dimensions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 2792 (2020) PDF Selected as a 2020 HOT PCCP article
D. A. Tasi, T. Győri, and G. Czakó
On the development of a gold-standard potential energy surface for the OH− + CH3I reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 3775 (2020) Communication PDF Selected as a 2020 HOT PCCP article
D. Papp, V. Tajti, T. Győri, and G. Czakó
Theory finally agrees with experiment for the dynamics of the Cl + C2H6 reaction
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 4762 (2020) PDF Publication of the Month (Chemical Sciences Section, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
E. M. Orján, A. B. Nacsa, and G. Czakó
Conformers of dehydrogenated glycine isomers
J. Comput. Chem. 41, 2001 (2020) PDF
B. Gruber and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the abstraction and substitution pathways of the OH + CH4/C2H6 reactions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 14560 (2020) PDF
P. Papp, V. Tajti, and G. Czakó
Numerical separation of the front-side attack and double-inversion retention pathways of SN2 reactions
Chem. Phys. Lett. 755, 137780 (2020) PDF
D. Papp and G. Czakó
Full-dimensional MRCI-F12 potential energy surface and dynamics of the F(2P3/2) + C2H6 __> HF + C2H5 reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 064305 (2020) PDF
P. Papp and G. Czakó
Rotational mode specificity in the F− + CH3I(v=0, JK) SN2 and proton-transfer reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 8943 (2020) PDF
G. Czakó, T. Győri, D. Papp, V. Tajti, and D. A. Tasi
First-principles reaction dynamics beyond six-atom systems
J. Phys. Chem. A 125, 2385 (2021) Perspective Cover PDF
D. Papp and G. Czakó
Facilitated inversion complicates the stereodynamics of an SN2 reaction at nitrogen center
Chem. Sci. 12, 5410 (2021) Cover PDF
A. B. Nacsa and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio proton affinity of glycine
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 9663 (2021) Cover PDF
T. Szűcs and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio stationary-point characterization of the complex potential energy surface of the multi-channel Cl + CH3NH2 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 10347 (2021) PDF
D. A. Tasi, C. Tokaji, and G. Czakó
A benchmark ab initio study of the complex potential energy surfaces of the OH− + CH3CH2Y [Y = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 13526 (2021) PDF Selected as a 2021 HOT PCCP article
J. Meyer, V. Tajti, E. Carrascosa, T. Győri, M. Stei, T. Michaelsen, B. Bastian, G. Czakó, and R. Wester
Atomistic dynamics of elimination and nucleophilic substitution disentangled for the F− + CH3CH2Cl reaction
Nat. Chem. 13, 977 (2021) PDF Publication of the Month (Chemical Sciences Section, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Publication of the Year (University of Szeged)
D. Papp, J. Li, H. Guo, and G. Czakó
Vibrational mode-specificity in the dynamics of the Cl + C2H6 __> HCl + C2H5 reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 114303 (2021) PDF
V. Tajti, T. Győri, and G. Czakó
Detailed quasiclassical dynamics of the F− + CH3Br reaction on an ab initio analytical potential energy surface
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 124301 (2021) PDF
D. Papp and G. Czakó
Vibrational mode-specific dynamics of the F(2P3/2) + C2H6 __> HF + C2H5 reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 154302 (2021) PDF
D. A. Tasi and G. Czakó
Uncovering an oxide ion substitution for the OH− + CH3F reaction
Chem. Sci. 12, 14369 (2021) Cover PDF Selected for the 2021 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection
A. Á. Dékány, G. Z. Kovács, and G. Czakó
High-level systematic ab initio comparison of carbon- and silicon-centered SN2 reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 125, 9645 (2021) PDF
A. Á. Dékány and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio proton affinity and gas-phase basicity of α-alanine based on coupled-cluster theory and statistical mechanics
J. Comput. Chem. 43, 19 (2022) PDF
Z. Kerekes, D. A. Tasi, and G. Czakó
SN2 reactions with an ambident nucleophile: A benchmark ab initio study of the CN− + CH3Y [Y = F, Cl, Br, and I] systems
J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 889 (2022) PDF
T. Győri and G. Czakó
ManyHF: A pragmatic automated method of finding lower-energy Hartree−Fock solutions for potential energy surface development
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 071101 (2022) Communication Cover PDF Selected as Featured
V. Tajti and G. Czakó
Vibrational mode-specific dynamics of the F− + CH3CH2Cl multi-channel reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 8166 (2022) PDF
D. Papp and G. Czakó
Rotational mode-specificity in the Cl + C2H6 __> HCl + C2H5 reaction
J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 2551 (2022) PDF
P. Tóth, T. Szűcs, and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the abstraction and substitution pathways of the Cl + CH3CN reaction
J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 2802 (2022) PDF
D. A. Tasi and G. Czakó
Unconventional SN2 retention pathways induced by complex formation: High-level dynamics investigation of the NH2− + CH3I polyatomic reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 184306 (2022) PDF
B. Gruber, V. Tajti, and G. Czakó
Full-dimensional automated potential energy surface development and dynamics for the OH + C2H6 reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 157, 074307 (2022) PDF
T. Szűcs and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio potential energy surface mapping of the F + CH3NH2 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 20249 (2022) PDF
C. Yin, V. Tajti, and G. Czakó
Full-dimensional potential energy surface development and dynamics for the HBr + C2H5 __> Br(2P3/2) + C2H6 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 24784 (2022) PDF Selected as a 2022 HOT PCCP article
C. Yin and G. Czakó
Automated full-dimensional potential energy surface development and quasi-classical dynamics for the HI(X1Σ+) + C2H5 __> I(2P3/2) + C2H6 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 29084 (2022) PDF
A. B. Nacsa and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio determination of the conformers, proton affinities, and gas-phase basicities of cysteine
J. Phys. Chem. A 126, 9667 (2022) PDF
D. Papp, V. Tajti, G. Avila, E. Mátyus, and G. Czakó
CH4.F− revisited: full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface and variational vibrational states
Mol. Phys. 121, e2113565 (2023) PDF
C. Yin and G. Czakó
Theoretical vibrational mode-specific dynamics studies for the HBr + C2H5 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 3083 (2023) PDF
D. A. Tasi, T. Michaelsen, R. Wester, and G. Czakó
Quasi-classical trajectory study of the OH− + CH3I reaction: Theory meets experiment
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 4005 (2023) PDF
T. Győri and G. Czakó
A comprehensive benchmark ab initio survey of the stationary points and products of the OH· + CH3OH system
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 034301 (2023) PDF
B. Gruber and G. Czakó
High-level ab initio mapping of the multiple H-abstraction pathways of the OH + glycine reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 5271 (2023) PDF
A. B. Nacsa, M. Kígyósi, and G. Czakó
Protonation of serine: Conformers, proton affinities and gas-phase basicities at the "gold standard" and beyond
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 8891 (2023) PDF
C. Yin and G. Czakó
Vibrational mode-specific quasi-classical trajectory studies for the two-channel HI + C2H5 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 9944 (2023) PDF
A. B. Nacsa, V. Tajti, and G. Czakó
Dynamics of the Cl− + CH3I reaction on a high-level ab initio analytical potential energy surface
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 194306 (2023) PDF
A. Á. Dékány and G. Czakó
Exploring the versatile reactivity of the F− + SiH3Cl system on a full-dimensional coupled-cluster potential energy surface
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 224303 (2023) PDF
T. Gstir, T. Michaelsen, B. A. Long, A. B. Nacsa, A. Ayasli, D. Swaraj, F. Zappa, F. Trummer, S. G. Ard, N. S. Shuman, G. Czakó, A. A. Viggiano, and R. Wester
The influence of fluorination on the dynamics of the F− + CH3CH2I reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 18711 (2023) PDF Selected as a 2023 HOT PCCP article
C. Yin and G. Czakó
Competition between the H-abstraction and the X-abstraction pathways in the HX (X = Br, I) + C2H5 reactions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 20241 (2023) PDF Selected as a 2023 HOT PCCP article
A. Giricz, G. Czakó, and D. Papp
Alternating stereospecificity upon central-atom change: Dynamics of the F− + PH2Cl SN2 reaction compared to its C- and N-centered analogues
Chem. Eur. J. 29, e202302113 (2023) PDF Publication of the Month (Chemical Sciences Section, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
B. Gruber, V. Tajti, and G. Czakó
Vibrational mode-specific dynamics of the OH + C2H6 reaction
J. Phys. Chem. A 127, 7364 (2023) PDF
T. Szűcs and G. Czakó
ManyHF-based full-dimensional potential energy surface development and quasi-classical dynamics for the Cl + CH3NH2 reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 159, 134306 (2023) PDF
C. Yin and G. Czakó
Full-dimensional automated potential energy surface development and detailed dynamics for the CH2OO + NH3 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 26917 (2023) PDF
B. Ballay, T. Szűcs, D. Papp, and G. Czakó
Phosphorus-centered ion-molecule reactions: benchmark ab initio characterization of the potential energy surfaces of the X− + PH2Y [X, Y = F, Cl, Br, I] systems
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 28925 (2023) PDF
D. A. Tasi and G. Czakó
Vibrational mode-specificity in the dynamics of the OH− + CH3I multi-channel reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 044305 (2024) PDF
T. Szűcs and G. Czakó
Automated potential energy surface development and comprehensive dynamics for the F + CH3NH2 reaction
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 064304 (2024) PDF Editor's Pick
A. B. Nacsa, C. Tokaji, and G. Czakó
High-level analytical potential-energy-surface-based dynamics of the OH− + CH3CH2Cl SN2 and E2 reactions in full (24) dimensions
Faraday Discuss. 251, 604 (2024) PDF
A. Á. Dékány and G. Czakó
Detailed quasiclassical dynamics of the F− + SiH3Cl multi-channel reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 10008 (2024) PDF
A. Ayasli, P. Tóth, T. Michaelsen, T. Gstir, F. Zappa, D. Papp, G. Czakó, and R. Wester
Imaging the ion-molecule reaction dynamics of O− + CD4
J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 3078 (2024) PDF
G. Czakó, B. Gruber, D. Papp, V. Tajti, D. A. Tasi, and C. Yin
First-principles mode-specific reaction dynamics
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 15818 (2024) Perspective (PCCP 25th Anniversary Collection) Cover PDF Selected as a 2024 HOT PCCP article
D. A. Tasi and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the complex potential energy surfaces of the HOO− + CH3Y [Y = F, Cl, Br, I] reactions
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 16048 (2024) PDF
K. Horváth, V. Tajti, D. Papp, and G. Czakó
Dynamics of the HCl + C2H5 multi-channel reaction on a full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface
J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 4474 (2024) PDF
D. R. Gál, D. Papp, and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio characterization of the multi-channel Cl + CH3X [X = F, Cl, Br, I] reactive potential energy surfaces
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 17695 (2024) PDF
C. Yin and G. Czakó
Revealing new pathways for the reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with SO2
Commun. Chem. 7, 157 (2024) PDF
P. Tóth, T. Szűcs, T. Győri, and G. Czakó
Dynamics of the Cl + CH3CN reaction on an automatically-developed full-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 084304 (2024) PDF
E. Mátyus and G. Czakó
Foreword to the Festschrift in honour of Professor Attila G. Császár: molecules (always) in motion
Mol. Phys. 122, e2360850 (2024) PDF
G. Alexandrowicz, D. Babikov, M. Brouard, A. Butler, H. Chadwick, D. W. Chandler, M. Fárník, J. Fingerhut, H. Guo, T. Győri, C. T. Haakansson, D. J. Harding, D. Heard, B. R. Heazlewood, D. Heathcote, N. Hertl, P. G. Jambrina, G.-J. Kroes, O. A. Krohn, P. D. Lane, V. Le Duc, H. J. Lewandowski, J. Loreau, M. McCrea, K. G. McKendrick, J. Meyer, D. R. Moon, A. S. Mullin, G. M. Nathanson, D. M. Neumark, K.-K. Ni, N. Pal, E. Pluhařová, C. Reilly, P. Robertson, S. J. Sibener, C. Sparling, V. Sridurai, A. Srivastav, M. Strutton, A. G. Suits, J. Wagner, P. D. Watson, R. Wester, S. Willitsch, A. M. Wodtke, and B. S. Zhao
Scattering in extreme environments: general discussion
Faraday Discuss. 251, 171 (2024) PDF
D. Babikov, N. Balucani, A. Bergeat, M. Brouard, D. W. Chandler, M. L. Costen, M. Fárník, H. Guo, T. Győri, D. Heard, D. Heathcote, N. Hertl, P. G. Jambrina, N. M. Kidwell, O. A. Krohn, V. Le Duc, J. Loreau, S. R. Mackenzie, M. McCrea, K. G. McKendrick, J. Meyer, D. R. Moon, A. S. Mullin, G. S. Nathanson, D. M. Neumark, K.-K. Ni, M. J. Paterson, E. Pluhařová, P. Robertson, C. Reilly, G. C. Schatz, C. Sparling, A. G. Suits, P. D. Watson, R. Wester, S. Willitsch, and A. M. Wodtke
Scattering of larger molecules – part 1: general discussion
Faraday Discuss. 251, 313 (2024) PDF
F. J. Aoiz, N. Balucani, A. Bergeat, A. Butler, D. W. Chandler, G. Czakó, T. Győri, D. E. Heard, D. Heathcote, B. R. Heazlewood, N. Hertl, P. G. Jambrina, R. I. Kaiser, O. A. Krohn, V. Le Duc, J. Loreau, S. R. Mackenzie, K. G. McKendrick, J. Meyer, G. M. Nathanson, D. M. Neumark, R. Pandey, C. Reilly, P. Robertson, G. C. Schatz, S. J. Sibener, A. G. Suits, P. D. Watson, R. Wester, S. Willitsch, A. M. Wodtke, and B. S. Zhao
Scattering of larger molecules – part 2: general discussion
Faraday Discuss. 251, 622 (2024) PDF
B. Gruber and G. Czakó
High-level ab initio characterization of the OH + CH3NH2 reaction
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 28543 (2024) PDF
B. J. Molnár, A. Á. Dékány, and G. Czakó
Automated potential energy surface development and quasi-classical dynamics for the F− + SiH3I system
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 194306 (2024) PDF
D. A. Tasi, E. M. Orján, and G. Czakó
Benchmark ab initio mapping of the F− + CH2ClI SN2 and proton-abstraction reactions
J. Phys. Chem. A 128, 10568 (2024) PDF
G. Czakó
First-principles dynamics and mechanisms of fundamental chemical reactions
Adv. Quantum Chem. in press (2025) Book chapter
Our group on Szeged Television (in Hungarian)
Szeged TV Quantum (from 7:43), apropos of receiving another Lendület grant (2024)
Quantum effects on the atomic terrain table - Dr. Gábor Czakó won his second MTA Lendület grant (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of receiving another Lendület grant (2024)
Dr. Gábor Czakó (University of Szeged) associate professor: "Computational chemistry can be more accurate than experiment" (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of the Publication of the Year Prize (2022)
Theoretical reaction dynamics research at the University of Szeged (in Hungarian)
About our research group in the Journal of the Hungarian Chemical Society (Magyar Kémikusok Lapja) (2022) Cover
Momentum researchers first identify the experimental fingerprint of a chemical reaction (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of MTA, apropos of the appearance of our 3rd Nature Chemistry article (2021)
Researchers at Szeged publish an article about the chemical reaction of a complex system (in Hungarian)
On, apropos of the appearance of our 3rd Nature Chemistry article (2021)
Chemistry without chemicals – New Nature Chemistry article from the SZTE Czakó group (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of the appearance of our 3rd Nature Chemistry article (2021)
Momentum: six researchers won support in Szeged (in Hungarian)
On, introduction of the Momentum groups of our Department (2021)
The Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science at the University of Szeged is the most "Momentous" (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, introduction of the Momentum groups of our Department (2021)
"Bolyaisok" – Gábor Czakó theoretical chemist (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of MTA, showcasing the most successful researchers supported by the Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2021)
University of Szeged gives prizes to its excellent teachers and researchers (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of Gábor receiving the Young Researcher of the Year certificate of merit (2020)
Our group on Szeged Television (in Hungarian)
Szeged TV Quantum (from 7:15), apropos of receiving the Lendület grant (2019)
Energy efficiency research in Szeged: Group of Gábor Czakó may join the international frontline (in Hungarian)
In Délmagyarország, apropos of receiving the Lendület grant (2019)
Gábor Czakó receives Momentum research grant (in English)
On the homepage of Emory University, apropos of receiving the Momentum (Lendület) grant (2019)
Two researchers of the University of Szeged, Gábor Czakó and Éva Anna Enyedy won at the MTA Lendület program in 2019 (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of receiving the Lendület grant (2019)
From the medieval music records to the risk prediction of the coronary artery disease – the new winners of the MTA Lendület program (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, apropos of receiving the Lendület grant (2019)
Collaboration of theory and experiment (in Hungarian)
Interview about our research in the Journal of the Hungarian Chemical Society (Magyar Kémikusok Lapja) (2019)
Publishing and programming (in Hungarian)
In CAMPUS Plusz (eduline), about our research group in a HVG magazine (2018)
Breaking the bond: To take part or not? (in English)
On ScienceDaily, apropos of the appearance of a Science Advances article (2018)
Theoretical chemistry and non-linear dynamics research in the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Szeged (in Hungarian)
About our research group in the Journal of the Hungarian Chemical Society (Magyar Kémikusok Lapja) (2018)
Gábor Czakó, theoretical chemist: "Unpublished results of a researcher simply do not exist" (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of the appearance of a new Nature Chemistry article (2017)
People read about SZTE in the USA! (in Hungarian)
On SZEGEDMA online, apropos of the appearance of a Feature Article in J. Phys. Chem. A (2017)
Study clarifies the role of the leaving group in gas-phase bimolecular reaction (in English)
On, apropos of the appearance of the group's first Nature Chemistry article (2015)
Chemists from the University of Szeged in the world-leading chemistry journal (in Hungarian)
On SZEGEDMA online, apropos of the appearance of the group's first Nature Chemistry article (2015)
Groundbreaking discovery of chemists from the University of Szeged (in Hungarian)
In Délmagyarország, apropos of the appearance of the group's first Nature Chemistry article (2015)
Achievements of chemists from the University of Szeged highlighted in the world-leading chemistry journal (in Hungarian)
On the homepage of SZTE, apropos of the appearance of the group's first Nature Chemistry article (2015)