Physical and Colloid Chemistry Laboratory Practice for pharmacy students (GYTK22A)
2024/2025, II. semester Rules and requirements Excercises 0. Appendix 1. Dependence of the solubility on temperature 2. Determination of a partition coefficient 3. Determination of partial molar volumes 4. Determination of sugar inversion rate constant by polarimetric measurement 5. Determination of the isoelectric point of amphoteric compounds 6. Determination of the practical applicability range of Beer-Lambert Law 7. Determining enthalpy of dissolution 8. Determining the decomposition rate of methyl acetate in acidic solutions 9. Determining thermodynamic parameters of a reaction by electrochemical measurements 10. Determining the stoichiometric ratio by absorbance measurement 11. Dissociation constant determination from conductivity measurements  12. Formation and properties of association colloids 13. Investigation of buffer capacity 14. Ionic strength dependence of the rate of ionic reactions 15. Kinetic investigation of the decomposition of drugs 16. Kinetic study of ionic reactions 17. On the Nernst equation in electrochemistry 18. Viscosity and rheological properties of polymer solutions and gels 1. On the viscosity of polymer solutions 2. On the viscosity and rheological properties of polymer gels 19. Rate equation determination through the method of initial rates 20. Solubility determination from conductivity measurements 21. Synthesis and study of macroemulsions 22. Ternary phase diagrams      Blank ternary diagram for data plotting Further reading Novák Mihály, Szűcs Árpád: Elektrokémia jegyzet I. rész Novák Mihály, Szűcs Árpád: Elektrokémia jegyzet II. rész Authors Ottó Berkesi, PhD. Edit Juhászné Csapó, PhD. Balázs Endrődi, PhD. Dezső Horváth, DSc. László Janovák, PhD. Gábor Peintler, PhD. Gábor Schuszter, PhD. Tamás Szabó, PhD. István Szilágyi, PhD. Árpád Szűcs, PhD. Ágota Tóth, DSc.
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