ET Aqueous Colloids Research Group
Members of the group
Erzsebet ILLES, PhD
Researcher, postdoctoral fellow
Research interest
- Colloids in the environment: pH-dependent adsorption of humic substances (soil, water) on inorganic oxide
(magnetite) nanoparticles - surface modification, aggregation/dispersion effect of organic substances
- Biocompatible magnetic fluids - nanomagnets in aqueous media with designed shell for biomedical application:
synthesis, physico-chemical characterization (pH-dependent charge state and colloid stability, salt tolerance study)
theranostic tests (biocompatibility, hyperthermia, MRI diagnosis)
“Magyary Zoltán” Postdoctoral Fellowship: Development of superhydrophilic-coated nanomagnets stable in
biological media
Education experience
Graduate courses: Colloid Chemistry (laboratory practice), Polymers (laboratory practice), General Chemistry
(laboratory practice)
ET Aqueous Colloids
Research Group
HU-6720 Szeged
Aradi Vt. tere 1.
E-mail: tombacz@
Phone: +36-62/544212