ET Aqueous Colloids Research Group
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News in the ET Lab - 2016

Annual MC and joint WG meeting of RADIOMAG COST, Workshop on „Physical requirements of Magnetic fluid hyperthermia” in Athens (Greece) News in the ET Lab - 2015 E. Tombácz („Relevance of physical, chemical and colloidal characterization in the potential theranostics application of SPIONs”) and R. Turcu (”A comparative study of functionalized single-core and multi-core magnetic particle systems for biomedical applications”) gave lectures at the 2nd International Conference on Nanotheranostics  (ICoN2015) based on our collaboration and Session I – “Emphasis Session: Challenges in Thermotherapy” was chaired by Thanh Nguyen TK and E Tombácz in Limassol, (Cyprus) 2nd Management Committee Meeting “Coating requirements for magnetic particles to be used for magnetic hyperthermia” in RADIOMAG COST Action - E. Tombácz gave a presentation "Physicochemical and colloidal criteria of magnetic nanoparticle systems eligible for biological testing" and she chaired a stimulated Discussion on „Is it necessary to harmonize chemical and colloidal characterization of SPION's coating?” Etelka Tombácz held a plenary lecture “Theranostic potential of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticlesat the 10th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules (PIM) in Cluj-Napoca A lecture was given by Prof. Nguyen N. Thanh (Visitor researcher from RSC London) and we had a  round table discussion with our guests - V. Spasojevic, V, Kusigerski, S. Vranjes - from “Vinca” Institute of Nuclear Sciences (Belgrade, Serbia) in the frame of the RADIOMAG COST Action A scientific report about the 5th Bionanomaterials Conference (Carvoeiro, Portugal) was publisehed in the Journal of Hungarian Chemist Society by Ildikó Tóth. E. Illés started her portdoctoral fellowship in “Vinca” Institute of Nuclear Sciences (Belgrade, Serbia) in the Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics in the frame of a MAGBIOVIN / FP7 – ERAChairs Project


ET Aqueous Colloids

Research Group

HU-6720 Szeged Aradi Vt. tere 1. E-mail: tombacz@ Phone: +36-62/544212
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