The projects of the
Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology
City trees 2.0 - more than
green ‒ Urban trees as climate messengers (2017-2019)
Monitoring, forecasting and development of online public early
warning system for extreme precipitations and pluvial floods in
urban areas in the Hungarian-Serbian cross-border region (2017-2019)
Nature4Cities (N4C) – Nature
Based Solutions for re-naturing cities: knowledge diffusion and description
support through new collaborative models (2016-2020)
Climatological evaluation and forecast of the intra-urban patterns of thermal and human comfort conditions (2015-2018)
KRITéR (CRIGiS) – Vulnerability/Impact Studies
with a focus on Tourism and Critical Infrastructures (2015)
Urban climate in Central European cities and global climate change (2014-2015)
Evaluations and public display of URBAN PATterns of Human thermal conditions (2013-2014)
"Contribution to sustainable development by assessing the transboundary
air pollution upon the cultural & touristical heritage in HU - RO
border" (2012-2013)
Survey of the urban surface geometry (buildings and
trees) aiming urban climate investigations (2009-2012)
The evaluation of anthropogenic changes in karsts,
based on changes in the state of forests and karstic lakes (2009-2012)
and modelling of the thermal and human bioclimatic modification effects of the
cities based on ground and satellite measurements, and extrapolations of results (2007-2011)
Quantifying the Climate Impact of Global and European Transport Systems (2005-2010)
Modelling of development and methods of control of
heat islands by using computational fluid dynamics (2005-2009)
Changes in condition of karstecological system,
disturbing in the karstecological system (relief, soil, karstwater), its impact
on change of karts landscape (2005-2008)
Science teacher education revision and upgrading (2006-2009)
Internship at
Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria (2008)