Science teacher education revision and upgrading


Supporting organization

STERU Tempus CD_JEP – 40053_ 2005

Duration of the project

01. 09. 2006. – 31. 08. 2009.

Participants of the project

University of Debrecen

University of Kragujevac

University of Belgrad

University of  Jyvaeskylae

University of Nis

University of Novi Sad

University of Szeged (Keveiné Bárány Ilona)


Objective of project was the development of curricula for education of teachers and compatible with EU standards and harmonization of curricula within consortium members in Szerbia. To update libraries, laboratoriums and classrooms with new equipment. Better qulity of studies and shorter average duration of studies.




1. Standard, flexible geographers training in Szeged (Hungary)

2. New Training Structure in the Geography Education