Details of the doctoral school

Identification number: D119

Institution: SZTE TTK

Research field: chemistry

Name: Graduate School of Chemistry

Year when doctoral program was accepted: 2001

Head of the doctoral school

Dr. Ágota Tóth, DSc.

Full professor

H-6720 - Szeged, Rerrich Béla sq 1.

Deputy head of the doctoral school

Dr. Ákos Kukovecz, DSc.

Full professor

H-6720 - Szeged, Rerrich Béla sq. 1.

Administration coordinator

Dr. Éva Anna Enyedy, DSc.

associate professor

H-6720 - Szeged, Dóm sq. 7.

Welcome to the website of the Doctoral School of Chemistry at the University of Szeged!

The history of the governmentally organized Doctoral Schools at the József Attila University began in the school year of 1993/94. The first doctoral graduation ceremony was held in February of 1996. The Doctoral School of Chemistry led by Prof. Imre Dékány, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was accredited in 2001 after the integration to the University of Szeged. It started with 9 programs covering all area of Chemistry: Analytical Chemistry-Separation Techniques, Catalysis and Surface and Materials Sciences, Electrochemistry, Interfacial Science and Colloid Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Reaction kinetics, Syntheses, Reactions and Structures of Complex Compounds, Theoretical Chemistry, Zeolite Chemistry and Catalysis. In 2009, Prof. András Erdőhelyi took charge, while in 2014 Prof. Tamás Kiss followed him on the post. From 2018 Prof. Ágota Tóth acts as the Head and with the help of Prof. István Pálinkó as Vice-Head and Dr. Éva Anna Enyedy as Secretary governs the School. From 2021 Ákos Kukovecz works as Vice-Head of the Doctoral School. The students can select topics related to 7 programs and fulfill the requirements both in Hungarian and English. The programs, the available research topics, and the courses can be found at our website.

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