Csaba Szigeti



Biology teacher, University of Szeged, 2000

Current position:

Associate lecturer, University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine/Faculty of Sciences and Informatics, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine


• Cell biology
• Cell biology practicals
• Neuronal homeostasis
• Cellular basis of pain mechanisms
• Neurocytology

Research activity:

• Molecular aspects of pain
• Capsaicin and pain management
• Changes of gene expression under physiological and pathological conditions
• Neurocytology
• Semi-quantitative morphometric analysis of dendritic arborizations
• Degenerative changes in the central nervous system
• Adult bone marrow stem cell integration


- Cerebral models of Alzheimer's disease
- Intact and injured retina
- Spinal cord injury


1) Szigeti C., Fulop Z., Gulya K. (2002) Branching-pattern analysis of the dendritic arborization in the thalamic nuclei of the rat brain. Acta Biol Hung 53:177-186. (IF: 0.3)

2) Szigeti C., Kovacs B., Kortvely E., Gulya K. (2003) Comparison of treatment regimens to sensitize in situ hybridization for low abundance calmodulin transcripts in the white matter of the spinal cord. Acta Biol Szeged 47, 1-6

3) Jancsó G., Sántha P., Szigeti C., Dux M. (2004) Selective C-fiber deafferentation of the spinal dorsal horn prevents lesion-induced transganglionic transport of choleragenoid to the substantia gelatinosa in the rat. Neurosci Lett 361, 204-207 (IF: 1.97)

4) Orojan I., Szigeti C., Varszegi S., Dobo E., Gulya K. (2006) Dithranol abolishes UCH-L1 immunoreactivity in the nerve fibers of the rat orofacial skin. Brain Research 1121, 216-220 (IF: 2.3)

1) I. Orojan, L. Bakota, C. Szigeti, S. Varszegi, K. Gulya (2005) Orofacial skin inflammation upregulates calmodulin gene expression in the trigeminal nuclei of the rat. Acta Derm Venereol 85:477

2) Orojan I., Bakota L., Szigeti C., Varszegi S., Gulya K. (2005) Az orofacialis bõr gyulladása serkenti a calmodulin génexpressziót a patkány nyúltvelõi magvaiban Bõrgyógyászati és Venerológiai Szemle 81(6): 258-59

3) Gulya Károly, Szigeti Csaba, Várszegi Szilvia, Beliczai Zsuzsa, Simonka János Aurél, Dobó Endre, Mihály András (2005) Felnõtt patkány csontvelõi õssejtszármazékok autológ transzplantációja a központi idegrendszerbe: az in vitro kezelések hatása a reintegrációra. Magyar Ideg- és Elmeorvosok Társaságának 34. Nagygyûlése, Szeged

4) Szigeti, C., Körtvély, E., Sántha, P., Nyári, T., Gulya, K., Jancsó, G. (2006) Changes in TRPV1 receptor expression following perineural treatment with capsaicin and resiniferatoxin: implications for the analgesic effect of vanilloids. Federation of European Neuroscience kongresszusa, Bécs

5) Szigeti, C., Körtvély, E., Sántha, P., Nyári, T., Gulya, K., Jancsó, G. (2007) Changes in TRPV1 receptor expression following perineural treatment with capsaicin and resiniferatoxin: implications for the analgesic effect of vanilloids. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság kongresszusa, Szeged

6) C. Szigeti, E. Kortvely, P. Santha, T. Nyari, K. Gulya and G. Jancso (2007) Effects of traumatic and selective chemical lesions of peripheral nerves on TRPV1 receptor expression: Implications for vanilloid-induced analgesia. European Journal of Pain, 11, (1), 176


Dendritic arborization and spine morphology of a cortical piramidal–neuron

Nociceptive primary sensory neuron in the dorsal root ganglion

Stem cell integration after specific cholinergic lesion in an Alzheimer disease model.
Green: stem cell marker, red: cholinergic neuron marker, blue: cell nucleus




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