Physics Courses

Light Spectroscopy in Biophysics

Code: F B01
Department: Department of Biophysics
Course director: Péter Maróti
Credits: 2
Semester: not fixed
Hours/week: 2+0
Prerequisities: Biophysics, Spectroscopy 1.
Type of assessment: K or B

Course description:
Basic principles and methods of absorbance and fluorescence. Techniques and applications. Light spectroscopy of amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins, and chromophores. Photosynthesis. Light-converting proteins. Biophotons: correlation with biological and physiological function. Probing the environment: environmentally sensitive chromophores, ligand binding to proteins, typical optical probes, measurements of ion concentration inside the cell, intravesicular pH and transmembrane potential. Fluorescence energy transfer as a molecular ruler. Probing the structure of a four-way DNA junction.

Recommended Texts:

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Last updated: 2000.09.22.