Physics Courses


Code: F 717
Department: Department of Biophysics
Course director: Péter Maróti, Gábor LAczkó
Credits: 2
Semester: 7th
Hours/week: 2+0
Prerequisities: Thermal Physics, Atomic Physics
Type of assessment: K

Course description:
Biomechanics:, energetics of the heart mechanism. transport processes, flow of fluids, heart, diffusion, oxygen supply of tissues. The forms of heat exchange, osmosis. Bioenergetics: the laws of thermodynamics, manifestations of Gibbs free energy, chemiosmotic theory, passive and active transport through biomembranes, photosynthesis, respiratory electron transport in mitochondria. Bioelectricity: Donnan equilibrium, Goldman potential, phenomenological and molecular description of action potential. Radiation biophysics, dosimetry. Biophysics of organs and sensory organs: elasticity of tissues, heart, visison, hearing, the mechanism contraction of muscles, (Hill equation, contractile polypeptides). Methods of structural investigations in biophysics, optical and resonance spectroscopies processes. The Molecular biophysics: structure and function of biomolecules (polipeptides, proteins and DNA) the connection between structure and function. Matematical modelling of biological processes (evolution and population models).

Recommended Texts:

List of Courses | ECTS Informations | in Hungarian  Table of Courses |
Last updated: 2000.09.22.