Physics Courses

Solid State Physics 1, 2.

Code: F 716, F 816
Department: Department of Experimental Physics
Course director: László Nánai
Credits: 4
Semester: 7th, 8th
Hours/week: 2+0, 2+0
Prerequisities: Quantum Mechanics 1., Statistical Physics
Type of assessment: K, Sz

Course description:
Binding and chemical structure of materials. Crystalline materials, symmetry properties. Mechanical and plastical properties. Real crystals, defects and contaminations. Experimental methods of study of structures. Establishment of phonon structure. Thermal characteristics. Basics of band structure. Fermi surfaces, experimental methods. Transport properties. Statistics; dielectrics, semiconductors, metals. Magnetic and optical features. Thermo and galvanomagnetic properties. Lasers and laser-matter interaction. Aggregates and clusters. Elements of structure of liquids. Collective phenomena. Dielectric properties. Transport and Onsager relations. Superconductivity and superfluid matters. Surface phenomena and structures, interfaces. Quantum dots, wells and wires. Basics of nonlinearities. Laser treatment of materials. Elements of microelectronics and nanomaterials.

Recommended Texts:

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Last updated: 2000.09.22.