Physics Courses

Statistical Physics

Code: F 613
Department: Department of Theoretical Physics
Course director: Ferenc Iglói
Credits: 6
Semester: 6th
Hours/week: 4+2
Prerequisities: Quantum Mechanics 1.
Type of assessment: Szj, G

Course description:
Basic concepts of calculating probability, the problem and physical application of random walk. Statistical description of particle systems, basic distributions of statistical mechanics. Statistical thermodynamics, equilibrium conditions and the thermodynamic potentials. The one-atom ideal gas, non-ideal classical gases, van der Waals state equation, the liquid-vapour transition. Electrically charged particle systems. Magnetism of independent particles. Ferromagnetism, the Weiss mean-field approach, phase transitions of first and second order. Statistical description of ideal quantum gases. The non-interacting fermion gas, neutron stars. The non-interacting boson gas, Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity. The photon gas - the thermodynamics of the radiation field.

Recommended Texts:

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Last updated: 2000.09.22.