Physics Courses

Spectroscopy 1.

Code: F 612
Department: Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Course director: Gábor Szabó
Credits: 5
Semester: 6th
Hours/week: 3+2
Prerequisities: Atomic Physics 
Type of assessment: K, G

Course description:
The subject and aim of spectroscopy. Optical spectroscopy. General structure and figure of merits of spectrographs, dispersive elements, fundamental devices, special spectrographs (IR, UV, Raman). Interferometery. Interferometers based on amplitude division (Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, Twyman-Green), Fourier spectroscopy, multiple-beam interferometers (Fabry-Perot, Gires-Turnois). Filters. Optical coatings, interference filters, Lyot filters. Light sources: arc lamps, high pressure and hollow cathode lamps. Methods of detection. Thermal detectors. Calorimeters, bolometers, Golay cells. Photoelemissive detectors. Photocells, photmultiplires. Solid state devices. PIN, avaalnche photodiodes, CCD camera, reticon array. Tools of time resolved spectroscopy. Spectroscopic methods. luminescence, photoacustic, optogalvanic, two-photon spectroscopy. Doppler-free methods. Molecular beam, supersonic jet, saturation spectroscopy. ESR and NMR spetroscopy. Main components of NMR spectrometer. Free induction decay (FID) method. The experimental technique of ESR. Moessbauer spectroscopy. Photoelectron spectroscopy.

Recommended Texts:

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Last updated: 2000.09.22.