Physics Courses

Vacuum Physics

Code: F403
Department: Department of Experimental Physics
Course director: Sándor Bohátka
Credits: 1
Semester: 4th
Hours/week: 1+1
Prerequisities: Thermal Physics
Type of assessment: B, G

Course description:
Survey of basic concepts of vacuum physics based on the kinetic theory of gases (pressure, velocity distribution, mean free path, transport phenomena, diffusion). Pressure measurement (total pressure: liquid, mechanical, heat conductance, ionisation, capacitive, viscosity; partial pressure: mass spectrometers). Gas flow types, flow resistance/conductance, connection of resistances. Flow through a diaphragm and tubes. Pumping speeds, pump-down time. Operation and maintenance of pumps. Forevacuum: liquid ring, rotary, roots, scroll, sorption pumps. (Ultra)high vacuum: turbomolecular, oil-diffusion, cryo, sublimation, and getter-ion pumps. Construction guidance, elements, accessories and materials of vacuum systems, principles of operation and practical hints. Sources of gases and vapours in a vacuum system, leak testing methods and instruments, cleaning. Calculation of required pumping speeds, dimensions of pipes and orifices. Practice with vacuum gauges, pump systems, basic measurements with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Visiting accelerators, electron-spectroscopic and cryogenic laboratories. Survey of industrial applications of vacuum physics, trends of research and development.

Recommended Texts:

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Last updated: 2001.10.02.