Physics Courses

Measurements in Physics 2.

Code: F 319
Department: Department of Experimental Physics
Course director: Miklós Török
Credits: 2
Semester: 3rd
Hours/week: 0+2
Prerequisities: Measurements in Physics 1.
Type of assessment: G

Course description:
Communication between computer and measuring device. Using the PC serial port for device control (hardware and software). Using the PC parallel port for device control (hardware and software). Special communication cards for PCs (IO, DMA, interrupt, physical accomplishment, programming). Fitting of A/D and D/A converters to PCs. Circuit supplying devices (analogue and digital signal processing). Solving of regulation problems in PCs (regulation and control). Digital signal processors. Application of robot technology in computational measuring devices.

Recommended Texts:

List of Courses | ECTS Informations | in Hungarian  Table of Courses |
Last updated: 2000.09.22.