Last modified on November 5, 2024.
Gábor Galbács  2024 | University of Szeged Contact Prof. Dr. Gábor Galbács head of the group  Laser and Plasma Spectroscopy Research Group, Dept. of Molecular and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, University of Szeged, 6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 7. Hungary  E-mail: Phone: +36-62-544013  In every semester, we regularly have openings for students for project, PhD/MSc/BSc thesis works and occasionally also offer contract positions. We mainly seek people with ambitions and interest in analytical chemistry and/or spectroscopy. As a demonstration of this interest, we require all students applying that all their prior course grades in analytical chemistry to be 4 or 5 (good or excellent). Interest in tinkering is not a must, but is considered as an advantage, since bulding and maintaining spectroscopy research setups is often needed.        If you seek to become a team member or a collaborator, please write to the postal or e-mail address on the left.  Students are kindly asked to give a short description of your interest, background and achievements in their letter. Attaching a concise curriculum vitae is more than welcome. Laser and plasma spectroscopy research group Department of Molecular and Analytical Chemistry,  Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, University of Szeged,  Hungary Home Home People & infrastructure People & infrastructure Projects Projects Contact Contact