
Supernumerary occlusal cusps on permanent human teeth+

Gábor S Kocsis*, Antónia Marcsik1, Erzsébet L Kókai, Katalin S Kocsis2

Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, 1Department of Anthropology, 2Department of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Supernumerary (central) cusps that appear on the occlusal surface of the teeth have already been grouped by many authors. The most comprehensive grouping of central cusps on the premolars is that by Schulze (1987). However, different central cusp forms may occur on the molar teeth, and cusp-like protrusions may also develop on the incisors and the canines. In the present work, plaster casts of the teeth of 500 orthodontic patients (250 males and 250 females) were examined for central cusps at the above departments. The central cusps appeared on the dentition of 47.6% of the investigated Hungarian population. From a total of 13,793 teeth examined, 501 (3.69%) were observed to display a central cusp. The teeth most often affected were the mandibular first premolars (11.6%). A new central cusp form, the łmargoid central cusp formation,˛ was noted.

Acta Biol Szeged 46(1-2):71-82 (2002) PDF

Key Words: central occlusal cusps, premolars, molars, incisors, canines, morphological characteristics, population relationship

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